
Mitchell, R “Mitch”                       Posted: 1/8/2007 12:55:26 PM

Class of 1939

Doing a Delt page is a most interesting idea. I’ll be most interested to see if any of my classmates are alert enough to know how to operate a computer. Briefly, I graduated in June, 1939, had a year of graduate school, a year with a printing company in New York City and then enlisted as a Flying Cadet in the Army Air Corps. Two combat tours in thePacific and CBI in Bi7’s and B-29’s. Married a Hawaiian girl and have spent theyears since in Hawaii. Retired from Edward Enterprises, one of the local largest printing firms in ’82. Since then we have living on the Big Island where I am hooked on propagating and hybridizing vireya rhododendrons.