What were the best nicknames you called your brothers and how did they come about?
When’s the last time you saw a Chi Chapter brother in person? Who were you with, where were you, and what was the occasion? Do you have a photo from that day?
What do you remember about the top social event the year you graduated? Do you remember your date? Did you happen to marry them?
What was DTD known for during your time at Kenyon?
Read on to find out how other Chi Chapter of Delta Tau Delta alumni answered these questions.
Phil Hammond ’58
Last time you saw a classmate: I saw Fred Bergold ’59 about two years ago at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix with our wives. He was in town for a wedding anniversary celebration, and bought us breakfast.
Top social event: Spring dance weekend 1956, date was Connie Conklin, theta from Ohio Wesleyan. She had been pinned to Chi president Bruce Richardson who had graduated the year earlier. I had known Connie from high school days, she attended a rival high school in the Columbus area. I had a secret crush on her during high school.
What Delta Tau Delta was known for: The Delts were jocks.
Tim Holder ’68
Nicknames: Everyone had a nickname which alluded to their personal characteristics:
The Troll (he scared people and lurked under bridges), the Worm (some story he would never tell us), PT Barnum-the Greatest Show on Earth (social behavior), Magnificent Mark (wearing an ascot whilst driving his sports car on weekend afternoons-the closest he came to athletics), Burford (the Herford cow, a huge fullback), WC Fields (this guy actually looked like WC Fields and he did imitations), Gremlin (physical resemblance).
Last time you saw a classmate: Last I saw a classmate was in 2013 at the 45th reunion, I couldn’t make the 50th because I was moving from VA to NC at the time. I am in touch with about 8 Chi brothers by email, Christmas cards and phone calls. We each live in six different states: NC, TN, MI, CA, IL, ID, so distance makes in-person gatherings a bit difficult. Some join up in Snow Valley ID visiting withMark Geston ’68 who lives in Boise.
What Delta Tau Delta was known for: Truth be told the movie “Animal House” was reputed to be a watered down version of Chi. In the first of the reunions every five years we would retell the many, many stories and laugh ourselves till our guts fell out. When we each got married we would tell our wives all these incredible stories which they doubted were true.
Niles Keeran ’77
Last time you saw a classmate: I was at Dr. Robert D. Burns, Phd Celebration of Life event in the Fall of 2019 at the Chi Delt Shelter on Kokosing Drive in Gambier, Ohio with Brother James Kuhn ’76, Bill Montei ’75, and a host of current active Delts.
What Delta Tau Delta was known for: Swimmers. All American swimmers.
Kim Peterson ’82
Nicknames: The last person I saw on a regular basis was Kevin Sweeney in NYC because I travel there for work. We see each other about every two years or so.
What Delta Tau Delta was known for: DTD was known for great parties at the Lodge often playing great tunes. I would say we were known as a very athletic group that carried a big emphasis on academic excellence. We had a number of recognized athletes that liked to have a good time.
William Taylor ’85
William Taylor and Rennie Worsfold |
Nicknames: David Peebles ’85 was known as “Peebs” and Stuart Gutchsche was known as “Gooch” for obvious reasons. There was a “Wild Bill” Taylor who was a Beta, so I sometimes became known as “Mild Bill” Taylor. Harvey Stephens 85 was known as “Harv.” Rennie Worsfold ’86 was known as “RenDog”
Last time you saw a classmate: I played golf in Ireland in the summer of 2019 with Tim Stautberg ’85, Chi 1985; Rennie Worsfold, Chi 1986, and Lawrence Shannon, Chi (Honorary) 1985.
Top social event: I remember the last Christmas Formal. As usual, I escorted my girlfriend, Jennifer Luce (as I had done my sophomore and junior years), who became Jennifer Luce Taylor in 1986. I also would escort “Ma Enck” to the party each year. She was a widow who lived in Gambier whose husband was a Delt from another chapter. We invited her to most of our formal events.
What Delta Tau Delta was known for: The Delts were often known as the swimming fraternity, but those who were not swimmers tended to be other campus leaders. We tended to be good students.
Want to share your own stories? Click here to submit your answers to the questions above. We’ll publish your response in a future alumni e-letter! If you have a picture to share, email it to [email protected] with the subject line “Delta Tau Delta Kenyon Photos.”