Chi Brothers Speak Up

In last month’s e-letter, we sent out a survey to our Chi Alumni. Now, we’d like to share some of our favorite responses with you! However, we wanted to highlight one particular update before the others, as Brother John Emens is in need of a kidney transplant. 

John Emens ‘83 

“My life has been extremely challenging as of late. I have been a college professor for 25 years. In October of 2015 I took a tumble and I shattered my ankle; it became infected. After numerous major surgeries over 3 years, I lost my leg. Antibiotics used to save the leg killed what were already weak kidneys. I am now in complete kidney failure and am on dialysis. I am on a Transplant List at the Ohio State University. I am actively looking for a living donor. I take blood type A or O. Any of my Delt brothers who would be interested in giving me the gift of life please call OSU Transplant at: 800-293-8965. 

I believe in the DTD brotherhood and all it stands for. The most valuable part of my DTD experience was AND IS the continuing close, rich relationships I have had through all the many years.

I think the Chi Chapter Alumni Association has done a great job reaching out to Alums, and also supporting the undergrad Delts. I mean the great job on the Delt Lodge speaks volumes.

To the alumni leadership I say, just do anything that fosters more meaningful relationships between brothers. From sending out e-flyers, to newsletters, to events, or even phone calls—all this is good stuff!”


Here are the rest of your Brothers responses. I you want to answer these questions yourself, please CLICK HERE to take the survey. 

Niles Keeran ‘77

“The most valuable part of any DTD experience is brotherhood and a life long commitment to them and a chapter organization.

The Alumni organization needs to have current information on all alumni whereby communication channels can be maintained between all members and the Alumni Coordinator and thereby maintain the lifelong brotherhood and camaraderie. I personally don’t know where my former brothers to current members are, live, or for the matter do.

I would love to reunite with all the swimming Delts from 1973-1985 before the downfall of Chi Delt swimming membership ordered by Coach James A. Steen, M.A. Not to mention the non athletes too. Dan Patterson, Rucker to all.  

Other than given the wonderful birthday gift of Medicare, technical recruiters weekly harassment via Linked In and Monster have led nowhere in relevant roles. Volunteer work is rewarding but more out of pocket expense. All the jobs are not local but require more relocation expense. Guess I’ll just work out at the YMCA with USMS , machines at Planet Fitness, and focus on numerous hobbies.”

Jeffrey A. Walker ‘74

“The most valuable part of my DTD experience was the wonderful friends I had in the Delts and the wonderful support from the Delt alums in helping me in my job search while in B-school. 

I am retired and have 4 wonderful grandsons…three two-year-olds and one newborn. After leaving Kenyon the national Delta Tau Delta fraternity asked me to be the resident advisor at the Delt house at Northwestern University where I was in B-school….the Delt brothers there were very welcoming but the Chi Delts are really the best.   I moved to Chicago with brother Patterson and we lived together for a while in Chicago.”

Daniel Smith ‘59

“I feel that being a Delt was an important part of my college life. Lifelong memories. I am still in touch with Bob Stevenson. At 82 years of age, most of what I have are memories, but they are good ones.”

Peter Dolan ‘81

“The most valuable part of my DTD experience is the brotherhood and sense of belonging to, and contributing to, something greater than one’s self. 

I see the alumni organization as a network that can advise the active membership when needed, and share the rich culture and tradition of being a Chi Delt.

I think the alumni organization does an awesome job. I would imagine that they have a time consuming and somewhat thankless job if almost 80% of our alumni brothers are not engaged. I would like to thank them for their tireless efforts!

I am retired and living the dream in Minnesota!”

Daniel Glaser ‘13

“My life would not be the same if I did not have the opportunity to be a Delt.

My DTD experience is a lifelong commitment. While I had the most fun I’ve ever had as an undergraduate Delt, the most valuable part of my DTD experience is now being part of our Young Alumni Association and giving back to the next generation of Delts. 

The DTD alumni association has the potential to have Delt events nationally and not just on campus. We have multiple brothers living in the same city and we should be having events all over the country. 

I stay connected with my brothers from the classes of 2012 to 2015.

I’ve recently started a third party property management business that is quickly taking off. Currently own two residential investment properties nationally and $4MM in assets under management. Hoping to leverage that into $8MM by year end.”

Jonathan Lawrence ‘09

“The most valuable part of my DTD experience was the personal growth catalyzed by close connections and difficult conversations with a group of people who genuinely care and are invested in one another.

We are lucky to have the kind of alumni investment that other student organizations on campus do not enjoy.

One of my little brothers lives ten minutes away, we have a monthly lunch and many other interactions.

My daughter is three, and another child is due in May.”

Mr. William Yost ‘68

“I made a set of lifelong friends, and the Internal Politics of a fraternity turned out to be a microcosm of the real world, hence good hands on experience for the real world.

We should be making sure that others have the opportunity to have the positive experiences.”

William Taylor ‘85

“I believe that the most valuable experience for me was learning how to lead within a collaborative context. The Brotherhood of Chi is very special and it taught me a great deal about how to lead within the context of relational trust.

As the head of a boarding school, I know just how important it is for the alumni to be connected to the life of the fraternity today. The inverse is also true – the contemporary experience of the students today can be impacted by their emerging realization that they are part of something much larger that can provide additional enrichment and energy to the chapter’s current experience. 

To the actives, I will say do not haze younger students – doing so is a betrayal of the key aspects of brotherhood that makes Chi Chapter something special.

I remain in touch with many Brothers as we tend to play golf every few years or so. Still, I wonder whatever happened to David Peebles ‘85, and John Siphron ‘84.

I am Headmaster of Trinity-Pawling School in Pawling, NY, and the former President of St. George’s independent school in Memphi, TN.”

If you want to answer these questions yourself, please CLICK HERE to take the survey. You may see your Chi memories, photos or reflections published in a future newsletter or e-letter. We’d love to hear from all our Chi Alumni!