DTD Offers Talks Via Zoom

Dear brothers and friends,

Just because many of us are now a great distance apart, doesn’t mean the Fraternity stops.  In fact, the Fraternity is more valuable now than ever.  While the way you experience the Fraternity might change, the value will not decrease. The Arch Chapter and Central Office are excited to announce several initiatives we will launch between now and May 1. Should the response to the COVID-19 virus extend beyond May 1, we will continue providing you with outstanding service well into the summer. Please see below for a list of new initiatives we hope you and your brothers will enjoy. 

  • We will begin a live webcast three days at a week at 4 p.m. EDT on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As your CEO, I will be live on Fridays to provide a weekly Fraternity update.  Monday and Wednesday will be topical interviews with our alumni. A big thank you to the men below who will provide value to our members for the next six weeks. These Delt Talks will be accessible via Zoom (details below). Please tune in and encourage those in your network to join. We will send reminders in the coming week via social media and email.


Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/896220701

Meeting ID: 896 220 701


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Delt Talks


March 23 – Southern Division President Mark Nichols on technological tools you can use to maximize your professional life

March 25 – Mo Bunnell, Owner of GrowBig and how to use master social skills to make yourself more effective

March 30 – Bill McMeans, Not-so-retired entrepreneur – How to use entrepreneurial skills in everyday life

April 1 – Director of member development Ashley Wollam – strategies for managing change in a dynamic environment

April 6 – Former International President Jody Danneman – applying to Ritual to your life

April 8 – Pacific Division President Mike Tankersley – How to be successful in a remote environment

April 13 – CEO of the NIC Jud Horras – High-level trends in the fraternity industry

April 15 – Pat Fuscoe – Management tips from a lifetime of building business

April 20 – Western Plains Division President Chris Wisbrock – important things to know for all those seeking employment

April 22 – Former International President Jeff Heatherington – the history of the Delta Tau Delta mission and values

April 27 – Phired up on Recruitment

April 29 – TBD

  • Our leadership team will conduct research on academic resources regarding how to thrive via telelearning. We will work with our communications team to determine how to get this out to the members, preferably on the website or in MyDelt.
  • We will begin a t-shirt design contest with our new partners at G Merch and they will produce shirts for the winning chapter and will make the design available for sale. Please stay posted for more details.
  • We will provide guidance for how to conduct meetings virtually.  We are soliciting questions from members currently, so please send yours as soon as possible to [email protected]
  • We are increasing our presence on LinkedIn. Please feel free to submit and share good professional development ideas there. 
  • We are working to coordinate a conference call with each PresX small group and their small group facilitators to swap stories, commiserate and reconnect after PresX. 
  • We will send a message reminding our men of the Mission and Values and encourage them to abstain from doing anything which will bring dishonor during this time they are out of in-person classes. 
  • We have developed a micro bridge loan program we can offer to house corporations that find themselves in a cash crunch. We have expedited the process and reduced the closing time and closing costs. If you are aware of a troubled house corporation, please contact Alan Selking or Andy Longo. 
  • We will reengage the Delts Helping Delts program which currently has $27,000 available for students and alumni displaced by natural disasters. We will launch the application process early next week.  
  • The chapter consultants are charged with speaking to all chapter presidents by April 1 and all chapter advisors by April 15. During the next week, they are touching base with all house corporation presidents to determine which groups are in the properties and which have vacated. Please make sure you answer their request.


Finally, we continue to evaluate summer programs such as Karnea, The Charge and Ignite. We understand those programs are on hold right now. We remain optimistic this will all lift soon, but in the event it doesn’t we are prepared. We are also contingency planning for the fall.  Again, we hope we don’t have to use such a plan, but we are ready should we need to. As always if there are other ways we can serve you, our member, please send us your request. We are committed to making sure your Fraternity continues to support you in these strangest of times. 


I still believe it is a great day to be a Delt,

Jack Kreman 

Chief Executive Officer