Read the latest Delta Tau Delta Chi Chapter alumni and chapter news here. These stories are distributed to alumni monthly via our email newsletter.*

*Not getting our emails? Fill out our contact form with your email address and let us know we should add you to our alumni email list.

Question of the Month

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On This Day In Chapter History…

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Spring Rush and Steak Dinner

Spring Rush is scheduled to start on Monday, January 31st.  Rush concludes with the annual Steak Dinner on Sunday, February 6th.  ...

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Brothers Welcome New Pledge class

Please join us in welcoming the newest pledge class to Chi Chapter of Delta tau Delta! Welcome to the worlds greatest brotherhood!


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Newly Elected Chapter Officers

Please join us in congratulating Teddy Kamin (Chi ’23) as the new president of Chi Chapter.  Click "Read More" to view all of the newly elected officers....

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Chapter Eternal: Michael Terrence Czuba ’70

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Michael Terrence Czuba '70 into Chapter Eternal. We want to extend...

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Vital Stats of Delta Tau Delta

A healthy fra...

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Delta Tau Delta’s New Year Resolution

How many of us set New Year's resolution goals each year, only to forget about them halfway throug...

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Greek Chapter of the Year Award

We are proud to announce to the entire alumni brotherhood that we recently earned the Greek Chapter of the Year at Kenyon College....

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Chapter Eternal: Grant Cooke ’52

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing our brother Grant Cooke '52 into Chapter Eternal. We want to extend our deepest sympathies t...

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Two DTD Alumns Named to CSCAA’s Top 100 Greatest

In conjunction with the College Swimming and Diving Coaches Association of America's 100th Anniversary, the organization released i...

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Donor Spotlight: Jake Barnett ’20

We want to take this time ...

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Throwback to the Good Ole Days

Who doesn't love a good throwback photo? Well, we sure do have some throwba...

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Delta Tau Delta is thankful for you

With the giving season upon us we wa...

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Chi Chapter Update

The Chi  Read More >

Virtual Pop-Up Shop

Hey Brothers, Right now, for another 6 days, Chi has a virtual pop-up shop for Delt apparel. 10% of profits will be donated to JDRF. Buy some Delt gear and support JDRF!  

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Donor Spotlight: Jim Kuhn ’76

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Donor Spotlight: Jonathan Lawrence ’09

We want to take this time to say THANK YOU to Jonathan Lawrence '09 for his continued support of Chi Chapter of Del...

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Who Still Lives Near Kenyon College?

 Ever wondered how many of your brothers chose to stic...

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Why Brothers Give, in their own words

When alumni give, they are making a statement about their commitment to Delta Tau Delta Read More >