In a few weeks, more than 15 of our undergraduates will be traveling to the Northern Division Conference in Cleveland. Several of those attending are members of our new chapter executive board. There is the tendency today to profile undergraduate students are privileged, entitled, lazy and intolerable. Well, we are here to dispel that myth. Over the next several months, we will be introducing you to these outstanding young men who will be representing Chi Chapter at Kenyon and beyond. This month, we invite you to meet Vice President Alex O’Connor ’17.
Alex O’Connor ’17
Hometown: Morris, Illinois
Major: Political Science and Economics
Intern, Illinois State Senator Sue Rezin, June 2014 – Present
Speaks Chinese (limited working proficiency)
Have you held any other officer positions: Social Chair
What does the vice president responsibility mean to you: The vice president has the responsibility to keep the chapter on track by setting goals for the fraternity as a whole and guiding the chapter towards achieving those goals collectively.
What challenges/opportunities does the chapter have? Our main challenge at the moment is organization. I will be working with the president and secretary in order to develop a mobile calendar available through Google that will keep our members more informed of important events. Also, I will work with officers to create a system of records for each position so that after elections, newly appointed officers have a guide that lays out their responsibilities and how to accomplish them.