Tim: Stautberg: Former Chi President Keeps Pledge Class United
Why did you join DTD at Kenyon?
Several friends were being rushed by the Delts, and we all pledged together.
Tell us about your favorite memory.
I have two favorite memories: the annual Delt Christmas parties and the Friday afternoon cookouts at the Lodge during the spring and fall. I lived in Middle Leonard my sophomore through senior years. I loved living on the south end of campus, especially my senior year. It helped me stay connected to the younger, more energetic members of our chapter. It also meant most classes were two minutes away.
What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life?
Each day, I rely on the social and leadership skills developed in college. I also feel a strong connection to Kenyon because of the fraternity. When visiting the campus, I always drive out to the Lodge, and the memories come flooding back.
With whom do you still stay in contact?
I just spent four days in April playing golf with fellow Chi Delts Stuart Gutsche ’86, Chris Pisano ’85, Bill Taylor ’85, Rennie Worsfold ’85 and Harvey Stephens ’85. [Hey guys, how about a 20-year reunion next year?]
Tell us about your family.
I have been married for 15 years to Katherine Thornwell Stautberg, Class of ’87. We began dating my junior year. We have four sons: Jack (11), Braden (8), Cole (6) and Reid (3).
What other activities or organizations were you involved with during college?
Most of my energy was directed toward serving the chapter, first as rush chairman and then as president.What do you do for a living?I oversee corporate communications and investor relations for a diversified media company.
What affiliations do you currently have and/or public service do you participate in?
I am a trustee of several nonprofit organizations in Cincinnati and also a Cub Scout den leader. I am also serving as a member of Kenyon’s alumni council.
What hobbies do you enjoy?
I still enjoy playing golf. Four kids will keep my handicap high for the foreseeable future.
What are your goals for the next few years?
I want to continue to work efficiently in order to spend more time with my family and to help Katherine in preparing our older boys for junior high and high school.
Brothers can contact Tim at [email protected].